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Welcome to the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Political Action Committee (LPC PAC) 


We are so pleased you have taken the time to visit our site and to learn more about how your membership and donations help keep the LPC license in Louisiana strong and vibrant. Without your help, we are constantly at risk of having our license diluted and our ability to practice and secure jobs placed in jeopardy.  Our site will continue to grow so visit often.


With your donation today, the LPC PAC works within the political system and directly supports candidates and legislators who recognize and support the work of Licensed Professional Counselors in private practice, agencies, clinics, hospitals, schools, and other practice settings.


Why is the LPC Political Action Committee (PAC) important?


Over the past 20 years, the LPC Practice Act and Rules have been amended to reflect the needs of the public.  This only happens through legislative action, and the LPC PAC has been a support of those efforts.  Our ability to practice counseling with today’s rules is credited, not only to LCA and our lobbyists, but also to the LPC PAC.  LPCs need the LPC PAC, and the LPC PAC needs the involvement of LPCs.  Please consider joining today!


Support the LPCPAC! Become a member, or renew your membership, by clicking here or 

by scanning the QR code to the below.


















**Free Raffle Tickets**


The raffle for this year's LPC PAC drawing at the LCA Annual Conference is FREE!! To be eligible for the drawing, a $50 membership fee is required. Payment can be made online through scanning the PayPal QR code above, or by check or credit card on site during the LCA Conference. The deadline to register will be Monday, October 13 at midnight.





Spring Workshop 2025 TBA






















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